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In December 2018, we surveyed 669 optometrists to try to understand why so many practices were having trouble hiring. The results were clear.
ODs rated the “average difficulty” of finding a job at only 3.5 out of 10. If optometrists are finding jobs easily, that means it’s going to be harder for you to hire.
51% of optometrists found a job before they graduated. The other 49% found a job within 3.5 weeks of graduation. You need to act fast to hire.
There is a shortage of 9,000 FTE ODs and supply cannot meet a growing patient demand. The number of new optometrists is growing extremely slowly with numbers of ophthalmologists staying flat. This increases demand for ODs and makes hiring more difficult. (AOA & ASCO 2014 Workforce Survey)
The population of individuals aged 55+ will increase by 28% between 2010 and 2020. This means a larger patient demographic who will require medical eyecare for age-related diseases as well as diabetes, cataracts, and macular degeneration. More patients to treat increases demand for ODs. (ROB - State of the Optometric Profession, 2013)
From 2014 to 2017 the top 50 retailers grew their number of physical practices locations by 9.51%. This puts additional pressure on all optometry businesses to compete for talent; small practices in rural areas face the most difficulty. (Vision Monday - Top Optical Retailers Reports)
Each year roughly 1,500 ODs enter the workforce and 750 retire. This ratio cannot support the concurrent increase in demand for eyecare services. This creates additional demand for ODs and practice transitions, making hiring more difficult. (ROB - State of the Optometric Profession, 2013)